
I recently attended a psychology lecture and thought it would be great to share its content on finding your destiny. In the world of social media, there is so much comparison for people, which can be destructive, I think.

The Impact of Comparison and Overthinking

Very often, we can find ourselves in a place of comparison paralysis. Moreover, even without comparison, overthinking what this big thing we need to do may be and consequently not really doing anything at all.

The Symbolism of Yin Yang

The lecturer I was listening to drew attention to the Yin Yang symbol you may be familiar with. Specifically, this can be seen as a representation of order and chaos with the line in between the two sides being ‘the way’ we are working to find. This is the essence of Tao.

Identifying and Fixing What Bothers You

Looking around you literally just in your physical environment, you can easily notice from sensation things that are bothering you. For instance, are there some empty glasses still on the desk? Are there some wayward papers you could tidy up?

The Principle of Getting Your House in Order

The teaching I was listening to discussed the general idea of ‘getting your own house in order’. Essentially, it’s all about really taking things back to the most basic level and going from there.

Insights from Carl Jung

I’m reminded also of some Carl Jung I have been reading, who spoke about how God speaks to us in our dreams through symbols and how often people don’t find God ‘because they don’t look low enough.’ You can find more about it in his book Man and His Symbols.

The Concept of ‘Good’ and Practical Solutions

This isn’t to talk about God as a necessary out there being but rather a meditation of some way of ‘good’. Therefore, the way forward is maybe much more readily available than we think.

Creating Order from Chaos

By constantly dealing with what is bothering you, there is inevitably a process taking place. Consequently, you will be creating greater order from chaos which is around you and falling in line with what Tao calls ‘the way’. Learn more about the meaning of the Yin Yang symbol.

The Journey of Addressing Small Issues

It’s an inevitability that by doing this, you will be branching out more and more into things that are bothering you.

Avoiding Comparison Paralysis

All too often, it seems we look out there too much to stop ourselves before we even start by a type of comparison paralysis and look at big social things we’d like to change when our bedroom is a mess.

Starting with What’s Bothering You Nearby

Taking things back to this simplicity of starting with what is bothering you near you can set you on a journey of consistently making a greater peace of mind. This is the way. This is destiny. The things that bother you will keep showing up so you can solve greater problems and you can become more fully expressed and become more of a person of value. Consequently, finding your destiny becomes a clearer and more achievable path.


Addressing these issues is essential in the journey of finding your destiny. By consistently dealing with what is bothering you, you create greater order from the chaos around you. Ultimately, this process aligns with the Taoist concept of ‘the way’. As you solve smaller problems, you build momentum to tackle larger issues, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

All the best,

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