Blog Posts

New Beginnings Therapy Blog

  • New personal growth routines to become like cleaning teeth.
    New personal growth routines to become like cleaning teeth.
  • How competent are you ?
    How competent are you ?
  • Practicing visualisation while avoiding and being aware of nonsense like ‘The Secret’.
    Practicing visualisation while avoiding and being aware of nonsense like ‘The Secret’.
  • Human Design. A curious path to possibly explore for building foundations in your life. 
    Human Design. A curious path to possibly explore for building foundations in your life. 
  • Entering new relationships as consciously as possible. 
    Entering new relationships as consciously as possible. 
  • How Counselling helps us to heal our distress and then work on our relationships. 
    How Counselling helps us to heal our distress and then work on our relationships.