Today is my birthday and I’ve felt like crap with a bad runny nose. All is good though 🙂 it was yesterday I watched an inspiring video which built on a lot of thought I’d been having recently about life being played like a game and always taking back to you and working with attraction.

I’m finding recently all my work is branching me out naturally to more metaphysical realms which is really great and exciting.

It was about 12 months ago I started to have dreams all of which involved video games. I made logs of them. There must be around 20 in total. They involve a feeling of excitement and a searching for/finding /being given a game console or games. It’s always a 90s console a super Nintendo or mega drive.

Since I was such an avid gamer of those back in the day I wondered if it was just nostalgic revisiting I needed but I didn’t feel much excitement for those things outside of the dream.

I did buy a mini super Nintendo when they came out last year and yeah it’s a good bit of fun but doesn’t match emotionally the dream content.

Mixed with this I’ve been dreaming of the East. One dream I had where I woke with a feeling of incredible peace I was in a retreat in Thailand.

I’ve been dreaming lots too of living in South Korea where I did live 2002 to 4. In the dreams I just felt so happy doing what I was doing then which was teaching English and partying. I knew I had no desire to do this again. In one of them I was with people I know from my spiritual development group. I had a big room which was bright green.

I’ve thought of different analogies around all this and feel at best my conclusion is that the east is all about me embracing my more eastern side of intuition. The games all show this greater healthy detachment where life is becoming more played like a game. Outer circumstances all taken less harshly and with a reflection of what does this show in me? I’ve been getting this more.

I believe things have metaphysical patterns. My illness now I believe shows further uprooting of past patterns which I’m digging out as a create new foundations. Today I’m just relaxing and listening to my body. Working on redeveloping foundations.

I’ve been working more to see less of a distinction between good and bad but rather just seeing things as experiences playing out which we are to work with. The video I watched yesterday made a good analogy of how we often seek to get rid of things eg like the cold I have now maybe seeing it as the issue blocking us to get rid of. We’d be okay if it wasn’t for that. The goals will all have to take a break type of thinking.

It seems better though is the way of looking at all this as a whole and what is this telling me? What work does this mean there is to do on me so it all becomes integrated and aligned.

Yesterday’s video said too how when we manifest an idea or goal that inevitably these things come to the surface more as these are the things to integrate before we can get there. I feel this is a great reminder. Here too we can let go of time and remember not to see things as good or bad but these seemingly bad issues are just a precursor and a thing to integrate on the path to manifesting our hearts desires.

I often dream of and see green. This is always very much in dreams and I see this as a heart colour. In my green room in Korea, I see as my heart being in the east. My latest dream with games involved my nephew in spirit and me finding the old video game ‘sim city’ where you build your own city. I let him take charge and he built trampolines which then popped up in real life. I felt this was a great further indicator of seeing life as a game and inner child connection. Whereas I don’t consider myself hugely spiritually aligned I see myself as getting on the path as much as possible and I feel there is certainly something in moving to this way of feeling about our lives.