I love the idea of gamification and use it regularly with clients although like most people the issue of self love is a constant source of reflection so I forget to do it for me.  

Superbetter by Jane McGonigal (a book and yes a game you can download) goes into all this.  The mission, the allies, and of course the power ups.

We all need power ups to keep us going.  I like the idea of taking charge of our state so maybe you need to just go into power posture to increase that energy (standing tall with shoulders back for 2 minutes).  

There’s other actual tangible powerups which fill our cups though and keep us fueled like a video game character getting a boost of the energy bar.

Right now I’m eating and apple which is tasting quite beautiful hehe (Grany Smith are my favourite), a 30 minute time out to cover my face and sit in meditation or actually drift off into a power nap are a great fuel for me.  I also just love to read and feel so charged up when I read about Entrepreneurship, Psychology, personality development or anything with a tone of being ones best, and improvement.  I basically love learning, it is a fuel.

It’s really important to recognise what your power ups are so you can keep drawing on them.