I remember a colleague of mine passed on this teaching and I love it. Self love is often the essence of teaching in the therapeutic relationship.  So often though we lose it.  Sometimes when we’re struggling just asking ourselves this question can be an incredibly liberating experience.  When you are feeling stuck just ask yourself this question then do whatever the answer is.  Do you need to take a rest, do you just need some time to yourself ?

I realise we all have responsibilities and things we want to achieve but there isn’t really any point if we don’t have this foundation inside.  Last week I used this and it felt wonderful.  For weeks I’d been getting on with so much body priming and amazing active work (which was actually great) but I was in need of some more yin type attention.  Giving myself some time to just relax and be.  Going to the gym to the classes a little less for one week and having a few rest ins and some time reading were actually invaluable.

It’s really interesting being a therapist and a coach and often almost feeling I see different sides to growth and healing.  There’s the powerful coaching world which is amazing and priming the body which is all amazing but there is the therapeutic relationship which I feel will always be so valuable.  It’s in this space that I usually find all the idea of self love more present.

I’d recommend you ask this question to yourself and work to make it a regular thing.  Always fill your own cup to overflowing, then you can be of the best possible service to the world and to those you love.