I found it quite revolutionary when I came across this diagram from reading Robert Kiyosaki and I find this philosophy in itself to look at your life as a learning space and examine how you may have learned in the past, how helpful it may have been, then to look at how you will continue to learn or not.

The cone of learning shows how the most effective way to learn is to learn by doing. A baby learning to walk is the ideal example to show this. A baby will always keep trying and learn by doing until what is natural comes out… which is to walk… they don’t give in because it’s there and just needs to be ‘brought out’.

I’ve become absolutely intrigued by the whole idea of education and it’s Latin routes which is ‘Educe’ which is ‘to bring out’. I’m not in any way against traditional education but its so curious that in the cone of learning that the way schools teach is actually at the bottom of the cone of learning eg lectures or books. To make matters worse schools punish mistakes.

Obviously some people do well in this environment but it makes sense in following this why books get written such as ‘Why A students work for C students’ which goes into the idea that it is the people conditioned to not make mistakes (A students) who may work for those who actually aren’t afraid to make them and are more likely to keep going in the domain of entrepreneurship rather than seeing a failure as a dead end, as school conditions.

I think it’s really important to reflect on your education and see how you were ‘brought out’ or not and to dissolve any shame that may be there. Is there more inside you that with a different space to work with more could come out of you.

I can see how school can damage minds and our way of being due to being a space which actually goes against the way we naturally learn. It’s amazing to think what is actually possible and what may be dormant in our potential if we actually reflect on what may have been missed then strive to let it all come out while giving ourselves the space to ‘fail forward’.