I notice in myself and with clients a lot thesedays how obviously in the course of life as we grow there are inevitably new structures emerge.  It is like the whole caterpillar to a butterfly kind of experience where a new structure emerges and literally destroys the old one to move forward.

I maybe never realised how it’s exactly the same in personal growth.  It’s an amazing experience to see and to support the emergence of someone breaking free from a past role they were playing eg the family scapegoat.  It’s important to see all what was occurring and how the person was victimised on some level to go into a role which then became the primed conditioned experience liked rats being conditioned to follow a certain path in a maze but without it ever feeling so great.
First of all recognising it doesn’t feel right (not integral/whole) to the individual is one way to just start progress then from there the experience just starts to occur with a wanting to change and new emotional experiences then taking place with a more empowered centre which is taking control.  This then getting rewards and shedding the old experiences.
Language becomes a powerful thing here too.  I often hear I’m doing this but I’m not that kind of person.  I then ask where they first decided they were that kind of person.  Who was it who decided they were that kind of person ?  What kind of person is it they actually want to be?

The curious experience takes place of accepting all parts of ourselves and seeing for example that we’re not actually bad for getting angry (what we were told) but actually we are a quiet person but a person who has limits and asserts boundaries where needed.
Our past never defines our future and we are ultimately who we decide ourselves to be.
On the journey it’s vital to have fun, to be able to feel progress and then senses of flow until momentum kicks in and the new default then becomes just that …. the default.

When we want to change there can often be many obstacles, strange stories keeping us trapped.  It’s important to stay inspired and stay determined to find the answers we need to get to our full expression.

In my own journey of the last few days I have had huge learning experiences and breakthroughs which keep carrying on in regards to identifying as an Entrepreneur (wow it’s hard to even write, I’m obviously so small right now).  I found after any years of studying and being a Counsellor (which I loved) I pushed away anything around business as I never had the right role modelling and saw money in a strange and not so functional way.  Makes total sense why business never really moved to fast.  I saw business as being somehow ignorant and people involved in it getting too stressed, being greedy and not educated (this is so bad for me because I do love learning stuff).

I’ve found this to be a major identity structure pushing through as I create new neural connections and identify with cool business people as real game changers plus people who have fun and love learning.  I love identifying with Steve Jobs, Tony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki and Richard Branson.  I swamp myself in learning more than ever before and have mini masterminds and coaching to keep me on track.

I feel though these structures don’t just occur but are a natural progression and just pop up when they’re meant to maybe.  I feel key with all this is just having a desire ‘to grow’ which is one of our main spiritual needs and when we have this then we tend to ultimately find our way and the deeper structures emerge at the right time.