As you will have likely seen I’ve had a great morning routine which has involved using the book ‘The magic’. It involves reading a chapter each day on repeat. The big thing in this book is about developing a feeling of gratitude and therefore coming from a place of abundance. I’ve actually had to take 8 days off this as I was sick so was listening to my body and having mornings of rest instead and journal writing my way to recovery.

I then happened to come across a great youtube video which was recommended by a coach I know ( I listened to it while I was cleaning my room which felt really nice and therapeutic. It talked about self kindness and kindness generally as a virtue. One thing I really liked about it was it spoke about the idea of being in debt originally meaning the new affirmations are cast out.

This all reminded me of certain bad vibes I had about ‘the magic’ initially and all this coming from a space of abundance. It made me think too of a lot of different self help psychology literature about new thought patterns etc which I feel have a lot of validity but interestingly now saying about what happens when you are actually in debt as a lot of people are.

I guess here it is where the persistence and pushing through comes in. Starting to work to come from a space of abundance is one thing but if you are in debt to start with then you immediately have a rejection and this positive talk feels inauthentic. Your subconscious has the negative programming which is immediately rejecting it. On the youtube video it says it is like going from -100 to -75. A difference is actually made but you are still in debt so it’s not really registering.

It is here when the obvious answer is persistence to keep going and going until it becomes natural and you’re ultimately operating from this universal and natural space of abundance. Sometimes in therapy we say about when you start out it is like water being poured into a bucket of sand so at the start things get more murky as it is stirred up. It is over time that more water is poured in and sand filtered out that we are ultimately able to get clear.

I loved doing my morning routine and interestingly enough got quite sick after 2 weeks in for 8 days. I actually wonder if there was some psychosomatic component here. I have wrote recently about new foundations and it has been that type of a month for me (April). I wonder if there was this stirring up of the bucket and also this sense of being in debt originally that was all stirred up and came to the surface to come out.

My more recent work as a purely personal development platform has been bringing up a lot and this seems likely. So I guess my point is anyway is to stick with these good routines. I am loving my new morning routine and it will be back and I feel the more we can work towards coming from this abundant space in our lives the better.
Have a great day everyone. 🙂

The Magic: