I find it interesting how Einstein seemed to say a lot about energy. ‘Everything is energy and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality.’ On one level this is linking with all the work I am doing on coming from a place of abundance and all the link to quantum physics. I feel this is all so new and just coming more into mainstream. I feel there is still some confusion but there will come greater and greater clarity between quantum physics of Einstein and Spirituality over time.

On another level though I like to just sense and feel our energy of knowing if it is good or bad. We always know this and whether or not it is connected to our good creative force. Robert Pirsig who wrote the classic book ‘Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance’ (https://www.bookdepository.com/Zen-Art-Motorcycle-Maintenance-Robert-M-Pirsig/9780060589462?a_aid=philwalker) spoke about the notion of Quality. He said in the foreward ‘What is good and what is not good? Do we need to ask anyone to tell us these things?’ I feel here we can always distinguish a feeling of our own energy and whether it is coming from a place of good/God/love/quality and always strive to cultivate and protect this to move towards the highest good.

In a world of much pathological mental health and narcissism, it is vital to take ownership of this energy, to protect it and to make sure we are growing to be more actualised, to be our best selves and being of the best possible service to the world. Journal writing (https://newbeginningstherapy.co.nz/2018/04/16/journal-writing-as-a-practice-and-me/) and yoga can be great practices to help us to keep cultivating and to stay centred. I personally attend a personal and spiritual development group regularly. I find it great to stand shoulder to shoulder with people on a similar quest of growth.
