The DSM 5 is the psychiatric manual which looks at what is pathological in the way of mental health. Pathological mental health is typically when someone is in a cycle of behaviour which is destructive to themselves and/or others. Narcissistic personality disorder which is a particular interest of mine for example obviously hurts and demeans other people. Within this cycle to the perpetrator has a dark shadow which they are lost in and are not able to see the light and integrate their issue.

There is typically not enough in my view wrote about what constitutes healthy mental health. I feel in many respects we are still locked in the lack of sickness model rather than the real moving into the thriving space. I feel there is a huge issue with this being seen as pretentious and too much etc etc but I feel it is of fundamental importance to always be working through into these levels.

Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers and Carl Jung were people who spoke of the fully functioning person, an individuated person and the self- actualiser. There can often be a mistake in seeing such as being narcissistic but this really is a huge mistake. Whereas it certainly involves a toughening up of boundaries and likely rejection of certain things that took place before a person on this path will be someone who’s behaviour is of a helpful and forward moving nature. Someone dedicated to a purpose, feelings of beauty, integrity, connectedness. A narcissistic individual is inflated and seeks to harm whereas someone on the other end of the scale uses themselves to be of service.

Amanda Ferguson in ‘Life works’ speaks of normal mental health as being seemingly more mundane. Someone who is in tune with the beauty while also the suffering in life. Not the same level of emotional fluctuation but a level of balance and constant management. I would agree with this also although would not use the word ‘normal’ since I feel in definition normal can more refer to the mainstream and it is unknown as to if there are more people on the pathological scale or the non-pathological scale.

Ken Wilbers’ integral life practice speaks of the whole being good while doing good idea. His books are wonderful for developing consciousness and also highlighting the huge issue of Boomeritis and this lost spiritual world of postmodern flatland. A real disease to look out for, to manage and to overcome. It’s really important to keep working to get our grip and to keep working to the more conscious and aware scale.