I feel this is a question to always keep leaning into. A while ago I did a personal development workshop ran by a lady who was a nurse. She said how the main regret of people near the end of their lives is not becoming the person they could have been.

After I heard it that one time I seemed to hear it again and again.

We all fall back sometime. It’s easy to be lazy or just to fall into a negative mindset.

I think there’s power when you can take that position of looking in on your life and see what it is you need to do next.

Sometimes people just need to get through a certain time. Surviving day by day can be the heroes journey sometime.

The last few weeks have been challenging for me (as they have been for many during covid 19). Not as many clients and some greater concern around finances. It has worked out though so far by the digging in and being a bit creative.

I’ve been learning to get in touch with my inner introvert (who I am anyway). I’ve been in contact with my nephew on Whatsapp. I’ve got some online masterminds going and I’ve used the time as a time to reconfigure where business is heading.

As I leaned into the question above my answer was just to write and share my mini journey and just to encourage you to tap into yours. My plan over the next few days is to keep exercise going, to keep leaning into gratitude, to work as much as I can to stay occupied and to share as much good value as I can.

I intend to keep feeling as much connection to purpose as I can. I always think of and often quote the extreme example of Victor Frankl who was in a Nazi deathcamp then came up with his whole idea of existentialism after the war ended. Thinking of him kind of makes me ashamed of my frustration at my self isolation. I think lots of people have it worse than me though but few anywhere near as bad as him.

The point though is that it is all relative. We’re all on our own journey. The important thing is to keep seeing the obstacle, take your own self responsibility and look at what you can do to move with greater integrity over the obstacle. So what is your next move ? Remember to come from a place of care, then make your quality decision.