This is something I’ve been working on personally from workshops I’ve attended and support clients to work with this too. It’s so easy to get caught up in words. It’s the natural default in our culture. I see though that transformation often occurs when we change our way of being. When we’re facing a certain obstacle which is bothering us it’s good to examine what in us needs to come out in terms of the person we need to become.

If someone or a situation is really bothering you it shows that there is something in you which is waiting to come out. Growing is always a choice and we must choose to grow if we want to live and die without regrets.

It’s easy to get wrapped up and trapped in arguments and needing to be right to somehow prove ourselves but it’s important to look into our life more like a way of being. Who is the person who overcomes this ? What are their qualities ?

A client recently disturbed by a very argumentative acquaintance who drove them mad was recently able to take their power back and see how they needed to anchor their spirituality further and move towards their vision of service and giving. It can be powerful to keep looking into your own lack somewhere and what it is that needs to be enhanced to move over the obstacle.

A nice way to write this out is to draw a diamond and to write at the top your vision and make this as big as possible. Something that anchors you. Then in the middle of the diamond write in the person you are becoming, are you kind, a leader, intuitive. Then at the bottom of the diamond write in what you need to fuel you. Is it greater prayer, meditation, time with certain friends.

I find that by taking our power back like this we can then focus on becoming the person we need to be to overcome the obstacle we can effectively swamp out the obstacle we are getting too focussed on.