The only educated person is the one who has learned how to grow and change.
This is one of my favourite quotes of all time. It’s by Carl Rogers who was one of the founders of Humanistic Therapy. I’d like you to have a lean in and see if you are being an educated person based on this definition.
I believe strongly in education although feel this is only to a modicum degree covered in traditional schooling. Education is a lifelong pursuit.
I love how the root of the word education is ‘educe’ meaning ‘to bring out’ in latin.
To bring out what is within. Education is different for everyone while a vital component of the good life in my view and the view of Carl Rogers.
Carl Rogers discusses stages of personality development as moving from being static to more fluid.
I have noticed in myself times when I have become blocked and been more static.
I’ve found that often the conditioning of searching for the ‘right’ answer like we’re trained to in school can sometimes be a block.
I’ve found that true education is often unlearning as well as learning. Importantly too it’s learning by doing. Falling over and making mistake after mistake as we grow and bring out what is inside.
Caro Rogers also talks about the organismic valuing process. The idea that inside we know the right way forward when we have conditions on us taken away.
When we are allowed to trust ourselves and be we move forward in a way which is constructive for ourselves and also for society.
This leads to the actualising life. This is often distorted by society and different ways we may have been influenced.
The way forward may not be conventional but it is constructive when the appropriate conditions are given.
I’d invite you to lean in and question your education in terms of if you are able to grow and to change as a marker.
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