Remember that TED Talk by Brene Brown? The one about vulnerability that left us thinking, “Wow, that’s significant!” Well, if you haven’t seen the talk, I’d recommend you check it out, as it certainly is significant and really helpful for relationships. And here, I want to talk about possible practical steps to reach it.

Think of vulnerability as this beautiful island, tempting us from afar. Like any island though, we need a boat to be able to get there, and that boat is adult-to-adult communication.

As we explore vulnerability, let’s simplify things:
Adult to adult communication is the straightforward foundation which leads to the island of vulnerability. You see, many of us try to swim to that island without realizing we need the boat—honest, assertive, and open communication—to get us there safely.

A Guiding Practice: A Strategy I Heard Once:
Dedicate just 90 minutes per week to conversations with your loved ones. Just be present, say what is on your heart, talk about some kind of vision, like something you may like to do together, and bring up any concerns. By doing this while also practicing your own personal daily routines, staying conscious, you’ll notice that deeper (more vulnerable) conversations just pop up as and when is natural. Here, rather than just jumping to the island, we’re just being on the boat of communication. As and when it’s really time to get vulnerable and be at the island, we’ll notice we’re naturally just there.

Navigating Honesty and Assertion:
Learning to express ourselves openly and honestly forms the essence of this journey. This practice nurtures trust, creating an open path for vulnerability. No need for complicated words—just a simple yet powerful practice.

Conclusion: A Balanced Approach to Authentic Connections:
Vulnerability is like an island waiting for us. But instead of evading it, let’s embark on a straightforward journey. Our boat, adult-to-adult communication, sets us on the right course. As we navigate the waters of relationships, let’s remember: it’s not about fusion or complicated strategies. It’s about building connections through honesty, openness, and that boat that’s always ready to set sail.