Sexuality and sex are huge things. It’s a really important thing to keep having on honest check in about. It’s obviously very personal so something to work with individually and if you need with a trusted therapist/coach. Where as there is lots to be said for the realms of spirituality and growth there is still a grounding for us as humans in our bodies here and therefore in our sexuality.

I can definitely see in my own life at points I have not felt as grounded as I would have liked here and can see how this has got be into trouble in the realms of destructive relationships. There is a great book ‘Think and grow rich’ which I must revisit which actually has a chapter on healthy sexual transmutation.

Perhaps I’m missing some area of work but in my general exploring into the coaching etc realm all going into spirituality and raising vibrations (all of which is great by the way) I can see how this part can sometimes be missing.

I think of an amazing Tony Robbins state break he did to snap someone out of his depression (check out Tony Robbins outsmarts depression) as as part of the discussion he surprises our depressed man ‘Bob’ by asking him if he’s ever had a great orgasm. By going into this state he is able to take control and find his new meaning.

Check in with yourself and ask how comfortable you are in this space and in your body. If there was any shaming done in the past just allow yourself to recognise it then do what you need to do to get rid of it. You have a right to stand proud and be yourself.