Counselling and Coaching mixture power
I am loving right now providing a mixture of Counselling and Coaching to my clients (and also to myself). I feel it’s the synthesis I always wanted when I got into Counselling originally. I recently heard a very high level Coach say how when he first got into Coaching through having his own he realised it was a path to having all he wanted and giving other people what they wanted. I had that exact same experience.
I studied Counselling as I felt it gave self mastery while helping others the same in an amazing cycle. I’ve come to realise through some very jolting experiences how this isn’t quite the case. I’ve become interested in how whereas the skills of Counselling are wonderful and I will always be one that it does not actually create a space where people really blast through to their highest level in their highest empowerment (which is what life is ultimately about ! 🙂 )
It’s interesting how the work of original therapists like Jung , Maslow, and Rogers talk about the actualising person or the individuating person which is all correct while I now strongly hold that the frameworks atleast Rogers gave and I ‘think’ atleast Maslow gave do not get there. I feel Jung is often more hidden so could infact be the exception.
After years of being a Counsellor I build up so much on an information level. I did feel like an expert Counsellor in ways but my own life felt like it was always in fits and starts and wasn’t really getting traction.
Since getting into Coaching I got intrigued with the idea of the ‘state break’ where the diempowered state is broken and replaced with an empowered one.
It’s here I feel we need to be careful but is where all the energy lies. Counselling brings awareness to a weed and it’s totally fine to feel in that space with empathy. To be with someone in that space and then give support so they can climb out. There is a beautiful elegance about this. With this too we can get information and awareness about what happened and how we got in there.
I feel this is the point of contact though with Counselling and Coaching. It’s one thing to do that but what about the real blast off to something new. A counselling modality here continuing can just go round and round while staying in a state of greater awareness but still not in the highest possible empowerment.
It’s here that a real system of mentor-ship, role modelling, priming new emotions, getting a vision of the future are really key to not just heal this but make all this just a distant memory, a past life, as we get on with creating the new canvas which can be totally different to the last one.
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