External events bringing up what is inside anyway
It was interesting in my casual work on Sunday seeing the news and the reflecting back on when we went into lockdown due to covid and the uprising of a lot of conspiracy theorists. I don’t like the term conspiracy theory sometimes as I can see how it can just mean different from the mainstream view.
I personally find the whole Bill Gates trying to take over the world and the 5G idea to be nonsense though personally but each to there own.
I think its interesting how external events can be an extra trigger for what is inside already. I’ve noticed it at funerals I’ve been to to bring to attention a more day to day affair.
Also it has been positive I think in the aftermath to George Floyd how lots of uproar and promotion of change is being motivated as well as racism coming out of the closet more. I realised personally how I need to pay more attention to race and have been doing my weekly donation the last couple of weeks to Black lives matter.
In terms of Covid what I felt what a realisation of the management of fear. Although I did not resonate with the conspiracy theorists I do resonate with the idea of being kept in fear to some degree and how it is vital to always maintain a sense of self mastery over ourselves.
I really resonated with some interviews done by Tony Robbins around this. I’d recommend him as a follow on Youtube. He did one with an award winning Chemist. There are also a series of interviews in the aftermath of George Floyd. One is with a KKK converter and one is with a white policeman who has a black partner and racially mixed children. I have not got onto the latter yet but would like to.
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